Fall | Modern In Denver Blog: There is No Place Like University Homes [Article]
Fall | Modern In Denver: Between a Rock and Our Place [Echo Mountain Retreat, Article]
Fall | Technology Designer: Relentless Curiosity [Black Hills Prefabrication, Article]


Fall | Modern In Denver: Let There Be Light [Historic Preservation]
June | 5280 Home: An Ultra-Fresh Take on the Suburban Ranch [Bow Mar Residence]
Summer | Modern In Denver: Gimme Shelter [Eye-Catching Pavilions]




October | Netflix : The Worlds Most Amazing Vacation Rentals - Pagosa Springs Earth Home
June | Media@Home: Container House: From Tiny House to Villa [Media@Home]
June | Building Dialogue (CREJ): Centennial Center Park Adds More Restful ‘Rooms’ to Foster Privacy [Building Dialogue]
April | Metropolis: Pianoforte House Brings Harmony into the Home [Pianoforte]



November | Architect-ing Podcast [Brad Tomecek] August | Modern In Denver: AIA Colorado Design & Honor Awards [Winners]
July | Building a New House with Limited Space [Let There Be Light]
June | Mountain Living: At Home in a Helicopter Studio [Helibarn Studio]
May | Design Wanted: Interview with Brad Tomecek [Architecture]
April | USA Today HOME: Repurposed Residences [Sugarloaf Container Cabin]
January | Modern In Denver: Tone, Tempo & Tenacity [Pianoforte]



December | The Modern Farmer: Meet the Modern Chicken Coop [COOP]
November-December | Colorado Homes & Lifestyles Magazine: The Fabulous List 2019
August | Residential Design: Celestial Reasoning [Cemetery Residence]
July | Modern In Denver: Summer Vacation [Iceland]
July | milehimodern: The Voice of Brad Tomecek [Q+A]
May | Chickens: All By Design [Black Hills Coop]
February | Forbes: Shipping Container Living [Sugarloaf Container Cabin]



November-December | Colorado Homes & Lifestyles Magazine: The Fabulous List 2018
November | Fine Homebuilding: Houses by Design [Shield House]
May | Denver Business Journal: Small Business Awards [Denver Business Journal]
March | Modern In Denver: 'A Modern Cottage' [Modern In Denver]
February | Denver Architects: The Best Residential Architects in Denver [Denver Architects]



November | The Wall Street Journal: 'Why Some Siblings Become Neighbors' [WSJ]
October | Ball State University, College of Architecture and Planning : ‘Glue 13’ [Glue]
July | Curbed: ‘Our house is 506 square feet, but we didn’t skimp on luxury’ [Curbed]
April | Custom Builder: Custom Clients Opt for Smaller, Smarter Homes [Custom Builder]
April | Luxe: Architect Brad Tomecek On His Go-To Places in Denver [Luxe]
March | Architect: Next Progressives [Architect]
February | Dwell: 16 Prefab Shipping Container Companies in the United States [Dwell]
January | Pallets 3.0.: Remodeled, Reused, Recycled: Architecture + Design [UCD Design Build]
January | Modern In Denver : ‘Only What You Need’ [Modern In Denver]



December | Building Dialogue (CREJ) : ‘Slowing Down to Create Lasting Places’ [Building Dialogue]
July | Green Building and Design Magazine [Container Cabin]
June | Denver Life Home + Design: Brad Tomecek [Link ] [Brad Tomecek]
June | Architect: Amass [Link ]
June | Architect: Sky Tower [Link ] [Barefoot Lakes]
June | Colorado Homes and Lifestyles: An Off-the-Grid Shipping Container Cabin [Link ] [Container Cabin]
May | Gestalten Container Architecture [Container Cabin]
April | Inhabitat [Container Cabin]
April | Creative Container Architecture [Shipping Container House]
April | Upcyclist UK [Container Cabin]
April | Shipping Container Architecture [Container Cabin]
March | Denver Life Magazine



December | Modern In Denver : ‘OpEd: We Have Forgotten the Importance of a Sense of Place’ [Link]
December | Building Dialogue : ‘Brad Tomecek: Exploring Space’ [Link]
December | Archute : ’44 Must-See Shipping Container Homes’ [Link] [Shipping Container House]
September | Boulder Lifestyle : ‘Architecture Extended’ [Link]
September | Cherry Creek Lifestyle : ‘Architecture Extended’ [Link]
September | Architecture and Design : ‘8 Of The Most Spectacular Living Spaces Made From Recycled Shipping Containers’ [Link]
September | Style Syndicate : ’15 Well Designed Shipping Container Homes for Life Inside the Box’ [Link] [Cañon City]
August | New Earth : ‘What These 10 Shipping Container Home Owners Wish They’d Known Before Building Their Home’ [Link] [Shipping Container House]
July | The Wall Street Journal : ‘Homes Built for Oddly Shaped Lots’ [Link] [Shield House]
July | Architectural Digest : ‘Shipping Container Architecture Around the World’ [Link] [Cañon City]
June/July | Aesthetica : ‘Visualizing Globalisation: Shipping Container Homes’ [Cañon City]
June | Fort Collins Magazine : ‘Earth Bound Retreat’ [Link] [Mallard Creek]
June | 5280 : ‘The Shipping Container Trend Takes Off in Colorado'[Link] [Cañon City]
April | ArchDaily : ’11 Tips You Need to Know Before Building A Shipping Container Home’ [Link] [Prefabrication]
February | Modernize : ‘Solar-Powered Shipping Container Home’ [Link] [Shipping Container House]
January | Architect Magazine : ‘Six New Year’s Resolutions for Architecture Firms to Grow Their Businesses’ [Link]



December | The Daily Courier : ‘Eco_Logic: Cargotecture – Pros and Cons’ [Link] [Shipping Container House]
November | Modern In Denver Magazine : ‘Chaircuterie Artist Spotlight : Tomecek Studio Architecture’ [Link]
October | Modern In Denver Magazine : ‘Five Questions With Brad Tomecek’ [Link]
October | Modern In Denver Magazine : ‘Quality vs. Quantity: A Developer’s Story of Framework at Sloan’s Lake’ [Link]
June | Architect Magazine : ‘Should I Start My Own Architecture Firm?’ [Link]
July | Curiosity Magazine : ‘House of Steel’
June | CBS News : ‘7 Homes Built with Shipping Containers’ [Link] [Shipping Container House]
April | Architecture Scope : ‘Nederland Shipping Container House’ [Link] [Shipping Container House]



November | Archello [Link] [Shield House]
October | Denver Infill : ‘New West Colfax Project: Framework at Sloan’s Lake’ [Link][Framework]
September | Archinect [Link] [Viewfinder]
July | Monsa [Shipping Container House]
July | ArchDaily Selected Works [Link] [Shield House]
July | Architect ‘Uncontained’ [Link] [Studio H:T] [Brad Tomecek]
June | Plataforma Architectura [Shield House]
June | 5280 : ‘Hot Property: Framework at Sloan’s Lake’ [Link][Framework]
June | Western Art & Architecture: ‘Ones to Watch: Brad Tomecek’ [Link][Shield House]
May | Mountain Living: ‘Rockin’ a Hard Place’ [Link] [Shipping Container House]
May | AIArchitect: Practicing Architecture [Link] [Studio H:T]
May | DesignMilk [Link] [Shipping Container House]
January | My Home Publishing [Shield House]
January | Inhabitat Compact Shipping Container House Challenges Space Requirements in Colorado [Link] [Shipping Container House]



December | World-Architects [Link] [Shield House]
December | International New Architecture [Shield House]
November | Confluence Denver : LoDo developer transforms Sloan’s Lake [Link][Framework]
Winter | Architecture Durable & Bois [Shield House]
Winter | Architect Colorado: Showing Signs of Excellence [Sign Shop] [Link]
October | Denver Business Journal Powerbook Finalist [Link] [Brad Tomecek]
October | Book : Contemporary Follies [Link] [Design Build]
September | Denver Real Estate Watch : ‘Alpert Unveils Sloan’s Lake Community’ [Link] [Framework]
Fall | 5280 Home Magazine [Link] [Shield House]
Fall | Book: Modern Lux Housing  [Link] [Fractured]
Summer | Book: L4 House Design [Link] [Shield House]
Summer | Architect Colorado: Collaboration [Link] [Papercut]
July | Book: Young Architects Award Monograph
June | Mountain Living: ‘Get to Know: Brad Tomecek’ [Link] [Brad Tomecek]
May | Architect Magazine: ‘AIA Young Architect Awards’ [Link] [Brad Tomecek]
May | ArchDaily Selected Works [Link] [Hilltop]
April | Architectural Products: Architectural Leaders Profile
April | Contemporist [Link] [Shield House]
April | ArchDaily Selected Works [Link] [Shipping Container House]
April | ArchDaily Selected Works [Link] [Fractured]
April | HomeDsgn [Link] [Shipping Container House]
Spring | Architect Colorado: ‘Cultivating the Future’ [Link] [Design Build]



July | Architect Magazine: ‘Emerging Talent’
July | Young Architects Award Monograph
May | HomeDsgn [Link] [Fractured]
April | ArchDaily Selected Works [Link] [Box House]
April | HomeDsgn [Link] [Box House]



October | LEED Platinum Boulder House First in US to Use German System [Link] [Alpine]
September | Architectural Record: ‘The Emerging Architect’  [Studio H:T]
September | Contemporist: ‘The Fractured Residence’  [Studio H:T] [Fractured]
August | ArchDaily Selected Works [Link] [Design Build]
August | Inhabitat: Two Striking Urban Farm Buildings Made from Shipping Pallets [Link] [Design Build]
Fall | Modern In Denver Magazine: ‘Highland Modern’  [Shield House]
Fall | Modern In Denver Magazine: ‘German Prefab in Boulder’  [Alpine]
July | Denver Magazine: ‘The Revolution Begins at Home’  [Alpine]
April | Book: Prefabulous + Sustainable by Sheri Koones [Link] [32nd Street]
February | National Culinary Review: ‘Face The Judges’  [re: Food Network Challenge]
January | Architect Colorado: ‘Guiding a Project Home’  [32nd Street]
Winter | LUXE Magazine: ‘Prefab, Revisited’  [Studio H:T]



December | SARUP University of Wisconsin Milwaukee, 40 Exhibit  [Denver Filter]
May | Denver Post: ‘Extraordinary Inspiration’  [Shipping Container House]
January | Rocky Mountain News: ‘…Man of Recycled Steel’  [Shipping Container House]



December | Architect Colorado: ‘Inscribed, Grounded, and Floating…’  [Studio H:T]
October | Colorado Homes & Lifestyles: ‘What’s Next for Colorado Design?’  [Studio H:T]
October | Builder Magazine ‘Grand Award’  [32nd Street]
September | Boulder County Business Report: ‘Million Dollar House Comes with Risks’  [Meadow]
August | Architect R+D Awards: ‘Bright Ideas’  [Denver Filter]
August | AIArchitect: ‘Architects Rethink Recycling’  [Denver Filter]
August | Modern In Denver Magazine: ‘A Modern Modular in the Highlands’  [32nd Street]
July | Denver Business Journal: ‘Cranes, Trains, and using your Brain’  [Studio H:T]
April | Boulder County Business: ‘Tomecek Studio thinks outside the boxcar’  [Studio H:T]
February | Rocky Mountain News: ‘Prefabulous’  [32nd Street]